A work of 35 books translated into 9 languages,
published into 1’600’000 copies.
2013 ⎪Birmanie, rêve éveillé, Coffee table book
With Charles Genoud
Over and beyond the spendour of the pagodas and the soft mists unfolding in the silence of the lake, the peacefulness of the Buddha's teachings fills each instant and each gesture. Each photograph comes with a lesson taken from Buddhist texts and adapted by Charles Genoud, a master of vipassana meditation traditionally practised in Myanmar.
Éditions Olizane, Geneva
2012 ⎪ Le Bal de l’Univers Coffee table book
With Hubert Reeves
During a journey to the heart of Iceland, photographs lead to a reflection on the place of Man on earth, with extracts from texts by Hubert Reeves, an astrophysicist and scientist
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris
2010 ⎪ Coffret Sagesses de l'humanité
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A presentation box of 7 books of 100 photos and thoughts from the Himalayas, India, Africa, Latin America, Asia, the East and the West
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris
2009 ⎪ Femmes d’éternité Coffee table book
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A superb photographic and literary tribute to women all over the world
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. Published in French, Italian and German.
2009 ⎪ Hommage àl'Orient Coffee table book
A book of photographs of the enchanting world of Northern Africa to Eastern Turkestan
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. (the large format version is sold out – it has been reprinted in small format) – Published in French and German.
2008 ⎪ Espoirs 365 pensées d’Occident
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from the West to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 2nd reprint – Published in French, Dutch, German, Spanish and Italian.
2008 ⎪ Hommage àl'Asie Coffee table book
A book of photographs of the inspirational world of the Far East, from Myanmar to Japan and from China to Mongolia.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. (the large format version is sold out – it has been reprinted in small format) - Published in French, German and American.
2008 ⎪ Souffles 365 pensées d’Orient
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from the East to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 3rd reprint - Published in French, American, Dutch, German and Italian.
2007 ⎪ Hommage àl'Amérique Latine Coffee table book
A book of photographs from fascinating Latin America, from Mexico to Brazil and from Guatemala to Chile.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. (the large format version is sold out – it has been reprinted in small format) - Published in French, American, German and Italian.
2007 ⎪ Conseils d'un photographe voyageur
Advises to travel photographers
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. - Published in French and Italian.
2007 ⎪ Éveils 365 pensées d'Extrême-Orient
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from the Far East to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 4th reprint. Published in French, English, American, German, Spanish and Italian.
2007 ⎪ À Hauteur d'enfants Coffee table book
A small collection of photos of children having fun throughout the world.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris.
Published in Italian by Ippocampo
2006 ⎪ Hommage àl'Afrique Coffee table book
A book of photographs from bewitching Africa, from Ethiopia to Mali through to Namibia.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (the large format version is sold out – it has been reprinted in small format) - Published in French, English, German and Italian.
2006 ⎪ Révélations, 365 pensées d'Amérique Latine
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from Latin America to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 3rd reprint - Published in French, English, American, Dutch, German, Spanish and Italian.
2005 ⎪ Hommage àl'Inde Coffee table book
A book of photographs from majestic India, from Sikkim to Kashmir, and from Rajasthan to the Kerala.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (the large format version is sold out – it has been reprinted in small format) - Published in French, English, Dutch, German and Italian.
2005 ⎪ Origines, 365 Pensées de Sages Africains
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from Africa to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 4th reprint - Published in French, English, American, Dutch, German, Spanish and Italian.
2004 ⎪ Hommage àl'Himalaya Coffee table book
A book showing the most beautiful photographs of the Himalayas by Olivier Föllmi.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. (sold out) Published in French, american and Italian.
2004 ⎪ Sagesses, 365 Pensée de maîtres de l'Inde
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from India to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 5th reprint - Published in French, English, American, Dutch, Hungarian, German, Spanish and Italian.
2003 ⎪ Offrandes, 365 Pensées de maîtres Bouddhistes
With Danielle Pons-Föllmi
A collection of photos and thoughts from the Himalayas to be meditated on day by day.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris. 6th reprint – Published in French, English, American, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian and Chinese.
2003 ⎪ Himalaya Bouddhiste Coffee table book
With Matthieu Ricard and Danielle Pons- Föllmi
A reference book of photographs by Matthieu Ricard and Olivier Föllmi, accompanied by texts by authors specialising in the Himalayas, making essential reading.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris
BUDDHIST HIMALAYAS is published in English, American, German and Italian.
2001 ⎪ La France Coffee table book
A book of photographs and texts on the Rhône Alpes region, sponsored by National Geographic France.
Editions National Geographic France (sold out)
1999 ⎪ Les bergers de l'hiver Coffee table book
A book of photographs on the sheep herding communities of Ladakh, whose life is one of the harshest and most precarious in the Himalayas.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (sold out)
1998 ⎪ L'horizon des Dieux Coffee table book
With Jigmé Douche
An innovative book of photographs accompanied by Tibetan calligraphies and thoughts by Jigmé Douche on the regions of Mustang and Dolpo in Nepal.
Éditions SDE, Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (sold out)
1997 ⎪ Si loin des Hommes, Si près des Dieux Coffee table book
A magnificent tribute by Olivier Föllmi to his preferred Himalayan region, Zanskar, embellished by personalised paintings by the Tibetan painter Rapkar Wangchuk.
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (sold out)
Where heaven and mountains meet Published in English by Thames & Hudson (sold out)
1996 ⎪ Les enfants de l'espoir A children’s book
With Danielle Pons- Föllmi
A small album narrating in photographs and texts the life of exiled Tibetan children.
Éditions de La Martinière jeunesse – Paris (sold out)
1995 ⎪ Hommage au Tibet Coffee table book
A beautiful book of photographs on Tibet and its people, accompanied by a preface by his Holiness the Dalaï Lama.
Éditions SDE- Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (sold out)
HOMAGE TO TIBET published in English by Booth-Clibborn (sold out)
1993 ⎪ Bhoutan - Le temps d'un royaume Coffee table book
A book of magnificent photographs on monastic and village life in Bhutan.
Editions SDE- Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (sold out)
1991 ⎪ Chili- Terre de sel - Terre de gel Coffee table book
A book of photographs on the two extremes of Chile, from the high Andean plateaux to Patagonia and the ascent of the Mont Saint Valentin, the highest summit in Patagonia.
Éditions SDE - Olizane (sold out)
1990 ⎪ L’école au bout du fleuve A children’s book
The story, illustrated by photographs, of the adventure experienced by two children from Zanskar in the Himalayas during their twelve day journey on foot on the ice of a frozen river in order to go to school.
Recommended for schools by the French board of education
Éditions de La Martinière, Paris
1990 ⎪ Caravane pour une école True story
The full story of the friendship binding Olivier Föllmi to his Himalayan friend Lobsang in Zanskar, who accompanied his two children to school in a twelve-day journey on foot on the ice of a frozen river. A story that went all round the world.
Éditions Nathan (sold out)
2nd shortened edition in 1993 – Éditions de La Martinière, Paris (sold out)
1990 ⎪ Le Fleuve gelé Beaux-livres
A book of photographs on the Frozen River adventure, a World Press prize-winner in 1989, that went all round the world.
Éditions Nathan - (sold out)
Small format edition - Éditions de La Martinière, 1996 - (sold out)
Japanese edition, édition Shinchosha,1995, translated by Tsugiko Higaki (sold out)
German edition, Der Zugefrorene FluB - Nathan CH (sold out)
1988 ⎪ Mustagh Ata- Asie Centrale Coffee table book
A book of photographs with an almond-flavoured touch on the mythical Uighur region of central Asia and the ascent on skis of the Mustagh Ata, 7546 metres above sea level.
Éditions SDE - Olizane (sold out)
1987 ⎪ Zanskar Coffee table book
The first “coffee table” book of photographs by Olivier Föllmi on Zanskar.
Éditions Nathan - Paris (sold out)
Published in English by Thames & Hudson (sold out)
1985 ⎪ Signes – Espaces Coffee table book
The first book of photographs by Olivier Föllmi narrating his journey from Hong-Kong to Peking and then from Tibet to Zanskar.
Éditions Olizane, Genève (sold out)
1983 ⎪ Deux hivers au Zanskar True story
The first account by Olivier Föllmi of his first two winter stays in Zanskar during which he came close to death. A reference in the world of travel stories.
Éditions Olizane, Genève (sold out)
2nd edition 1989 ( sold out)
3rd edition 1993 (sold out)
“Orients Extrêmes” by Jean-Marc Duray - 1990
”Instants dérobés” by the Possumus group - interview - 1990 - Éditions DelVal
”Dans Calcutta, le médecin des oubliés” by Benoît Lange - Éditions Olizane 1991
”Les chemins du vent” by Bruno & Pascale Fromont - Éditions de L'Envol 1995
”Benoit Chamoux petit prince de l’Himalaya” - Testimony - Éditions SDE 1996
”Au cœur de l’Himalaya” by Frédéric Lecloux - La Renaissance du livre 1998
”Zanskar, la route du changement” by David Ducoin - Editions ANAKO 2000
Éditions Pêcheur d'images (art reproductions) international distribution.
Papyrus (cardshop) distributed in Switzerland.
Aquarupella (cardshop) distributed in France, Belgium and Switzerland